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Dental CSR

Company signed our customer service charter
Free registration (worth £60 + 10% off coaching packages

Dental CSR Certification: Finally, a recognised CSR certification for your practice! Demonstrate how much you care about your people, the environment and the wider community.

Our business is helping you do good. We believe that successful businesses are built upon what they do, not just what they say. We help you do things right, and give you the means to show it.

We understand that you want a successful, healthy and rewarding business and that you know that doing the right thing pays off in more ways than one.

With 90% of your patients and team now expecting you to do good as part of running the business, this means thinking about your Corporate Social Responsibility — your CSR. But it’s a challenge to find the time to tackle your CSR and, even if you do, how do you know that what you are doing is effective, makes a difference and adds value?

Our unique 3-tiered approach means that any business can get certified, wherever they are on their CSR journey. Those new to CSR can start out with bronze certification, moving on to silver and gold when they’re ready.