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FTA Media

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We want everyone, whether patients or not, to see how personal and friendly you all are. We use your team so every video is authentic and patients can relate to it. We achieve this by filming your team in your practice using the latest trends emerging in video marketing.

We produce high quality relatable and authentic videos to showcase your practice. We hold a firm belief that the dental industry is about to experience a massive shift in the way it market to patients – our job is to stay ahead of this curve. Gone are the over produced, stuffy and let’s be honest awkward videos that we’ve seen over the past few years. We believe in putting your amazing personality in the spotlight in a relatable and authentic way. From the principal to the receptionist, we want to make patients feel like they know you, even before they set foot in your door. By giving you a steady stream of content to use over your social media you can be sure that you never suffer content fatigue and are always ready to engage with your patients. Our production suite is very high tech and perfect for creating videos to use on social media and the same production tool used by Youtubers, influencers and bloggers in both the entertainment and business industry, so we can be sure that your content is perfectly suited for the wide world of social media.